If Tsinandali, Kindzmarauli and Qvevri words sound like abracadabra to you, just come and savor all those beautiful Georgian wines hand-picked and brought directly from the wine cradle to Barcelona wine lovers' table!
We will taste 1 white, 2 red and 1 red semi-sweet wines from different small producers pairing with delicious meat cuts, cheeses and other appetizers (please, notify us in case of any dietary requirements).
Olga from Vinicomm will make a presentation in English with assistance in Spanish, Russian, French.
PRICE: 23 €
Includes wines and matching appetizers, professional wine tasting materials.
PLACE: Ilya restaurant (Rambla de Raval, 8 inside of the hotel NIU)
For the confirmation, PREPAYMENT is needed.
NB: places are limited, please book yours in advance.
See you soon, dear #winelovers!