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Do you want to start up in life sciences and you don't know how?

IQS (Institut de Química de Sarrià)



Do you want to start up in life sciences but you don't know how? Come and learn the steps you need to follow to become a startupper in the life sciences sector.

📌 Description

Do you feel the need to incorporate some business knowledge in your life sciences career? This event will focus on the steps required to go from an idea to a real-world solution. Participants will learn how to start a business from the economic perspective, focusing on the economic resources available for early-stage life sciences startups. After this formative session, entrepreneurs and professionals of the biotech sector will discuss in a round table the lifecycle stages startups find during its evolution. The round table will cover from seed and development to growth and establishment of the startup. Each phase has different objectives and requirements. Identifying each phase is important to establish priorities and knowing if the startup should be working towards a prototype or rising capital, with the goal of bringing a product to reality.

We expect participants from or interested in the life sciences sector, passionate about changing the world through science and technology and with the desire to learn from professionals that have already gone through the exciting journey of startups. If you already have an idea and would like to make it real, it will be an excellent opportunity to connect with people from other sectors and professionals. Whereas you have an idea or are just interested in expanding your formation in entrepreneurship, you will greatly benefit from receiving first-hand advice from professionals. 

📌 Organization &  Place 

The event is jointly organized by ASBTEC (Catalan Association of Biotechnology, www.asbtec.org) and YEBN (Young European Biotech Network, www.yebn.eu) in collaboration with IQS (Institut Químic de Sarrià from the Ramon Llull University (https://www.iqs.edu/es), FEBiotec (Federación Española de Biotecnología, https://febiotec.es/) and Biocat, The BioRegion of Catalonia, https://www.biocat.cat/en.

📌 Day

27th May in the IQS (Institut Químic de Sarrià) Via Augusta, 390, 08017 Barcelona, Spain

📌 Programe

🔹 18:00h Welcome by ASBTEC, FEBiotec and YEBN

🔹 18:15 Formative session: The paths to become a life sciences startupper by Maribel Bergés, Entrepreneur.

🔹 19:00h Round Table Moderator: Maribel Bergés

  • Daniel Oliver. Director, Capital Cell.
  • Esther Riambau. Life Sciences Director, UPF Ventures.
  • Laura Rodríguez. Investment Analyst, Healthequity/Invivo Ventures
  • Salvador Borrós. Professor and entrepreneur, IQS.

🔹 20:00h Cocktail networking U0001f950☕😋

Associació de Biotecnòlegs de Catalunya & Young European Biotech Network
Associació de Biotecnòlegs de Catalunya & Young European Biotech Network
Associació de Biotecnòlegs de Catalunya & Young European Biotech Network
Associació de Biotecnòlegs de Catalunya & Young European Biotech Network



IQS (Institut de Química de Sarrià)
Via Augusta, 390, 08017, Barcelona, ES
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